LIBERAL WEEKEND SCHOOL TURNS INTO THE LLOYD GEORGE SOCIETY – By Russell Deacon, Centre for Humanities, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff

In August 1985, in the spirit of co-operation that had come across both the Social Democratic Party (SDP) and the Liberals, the Liberal Weekend School ended. In its place it was decided to create the Lloyd George Society. The society was named after the most prominent Welsh Liberal of all time and was felt to […]

Officers of the Society

President: Roger Pincham CBE
Chairman: Bill Barritt
Treasurer: Ruth Parry
Vice Presidents:
Baroness Celia Thomas, Lord Hooson, Lord Tordoff, Lord Thomas of Gresford, Lord Carlile, Lord Livesey, Lembit Opik MP


This article is based on a talk given at a meeting of the Lloyd George Society held at Llanwyrtd Wells, Powys in February 2001.
It is copyright and no part of it may be reproduced without the permission of the author or the Society. It was first published by the Society as one of four papers […]