Memories of a successful weekend school, 2008

The annual weekend school for 2008, held at the Commodore Hotel, Llandrindod Wells was attended by more than 50 people even though some regular participants were unable to come this year because of a clash of events.
Those attending the school heard some stimulating presentations from the likes of Professor David Butler of Oxford University and […]

Who are the top 100 Welsh heroes?

In 2003-2004, the organisation Culturenet Cymru conducted an internet survey to find the top 100 Welsh heroes. They received over 80,000 nominations and votes in their quest to find the greatest Welsh men and women of all time. It is now almost two years exactly since the survey was completed, so maybe its time for […]

Remembering the Liberal – SDP Alliance and a stalwart Welsh Liberal MP

On 10 February 1982, as the heady days of the Liberal-SDP Alliance were being exchanged for dips in the opinion polls, the former Liberal MP for Merioneth (1945-51), Mr Emrys Roberts, wrote to the Times from his home at Dwy Dderden on the isle of Anglesey.
Emrys Roberts was politically close to Lady Megan Lloyd George. […]

Lloyd George – a Birmingham anniversary

February 5th marks the anniversary of the granting of the freedom of the city of Birmingham to David Lloyd George in 1921. At this time, Lloyd George had been prime minister for five years and was probably at the peak of his political success. He had won the War first through his vigorous pursuit of […]

Do you want to buy a rare Lloyd George somersaulting toy?

According to a story in today’s Western Mail, a rare wooden and papier mache toy, made to look like David Lloyd George, is to go on sale. The toy is designed to turn somersaults – just like the real Lloyd George is criticised for.
The Western Mail reports that British toy-makers were resentful towards Lloyd George’s […]

Final weekend school programme announced

The programme for the weekend school at the Commodore Hotel, Llandrindod Wells from 15-17 February has now been finalised. Unfortunately some of the planned speakers found they were unable to make it after all and the identifying and confirming of replacements has only just been completed. It is exciting to note that David Butler, Emeritus […]

Lloyd George precedent on police pay – ‘doubly instructive’ as Gordon Brown faces police strike

In a special report on crime in today’s Guardian newspaper (23 January 2008), columnist Allegra Stratton looks back at the history of police strikes and the threat of police strike ballots as background to the present dispute between the Police Federation and the government.
Introducing the subject, Stratton takes us back to the year 1918 when […]

Lloyd George wisdom about language recalled in Oklahoma (of all places)

The state of Oklahoma has a reputation for being one of the most conservative states in the USA. Both its US Senators are Republicans, although the current governor is a Democrat. Oklahoma has voted Republican in every presidential election as far back as 1964, and that was to elect Lyndon Baines Johnson that good ol’ […]


Back in 2005, Ffion Hague, the wife of the former Conservative Party leader, announced that she was writing a book (to be published by Harper Collins) about the love life of David Lloyd George. The biography was to be called ‘A Perpetual Conflict: The Women in the Life of David Lloyd George’. According to the […]