The Lloyd George Society has been going strong for many years and organises the annual weekend school, usually held in mid-Wales in February. But ensuring the venue for the school is booked, accommodation is available for participants and guests, arranging speakers, advertising the event, registering applicants and receiving their fees have usually fallen to just one or two people.

Lloyd George reading a newspaper by a fire place.

In the summer of 2007 we set up our website to present the face of the Society to a wider audience and we are developing the content and look of the site to create a resource for all those interested in Lloyd George, Welsh history and aspects of Welsh cultural and political life – from a liberal perspective.

So if you would be interested in helping the Lloyd George Society we would welcome hearing from you. We are particularly looking for someone with accounting skills at present to assist the Chairman and Treasurer.

We are also looking for someone who would be willing to help with the running of the website or our Facebook page.

If you would like to help in any way, please contact the Society Secretary and website editor, Graham Lippiatt. See our contacts page for postal and email addresses and phone numbers.

How to join the Lloyd George Society

Attending one of the weekend schools makes you a member of the Lloyd George Society. There are usually discounts for those attending for the first time and we particularly wish to encourage young people, whose attendance will ensure membership flourishes into the future.

So please keep an eye on this website for details of forthcoming weekend schools. We try to publish a draft agenda in the autumn of the year before and give you details of how you can register to attend. We also usually advertise the details of the schools in Liberal Democrat News and through related organisations such as Powys Lib Dems and the Liberal Democrat History Group.