Meeting to mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration – Monday 6 November, National Liberal Club

On Monday 6 November the Society, supported by Liberal Democrats Friends of Israel, held a meeting in the David Lloyd George Room at the National Liberal Club to mark the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration. In a letter dated 2 November 1917, Arthur Balfour, the Foreign Secretary in the Coalition Government of David Lloyd […]

New Lloyd George letter available at the National Library of Wales

A hand written letter sent from number 10 Downing Street by David Lloyd George to Frederick William Hughes, urging Welsh farmers to aid the war effort has recently been acquired by the National Library of Wales at an auction in Cardiff. It has been added to the substantial collection of Lloyd George papers already available […]

A good home for that Lloyd George memorabilia

Visitors to the the website will remember from an earlier article that there was a sale of Lloyd George memorabilia, consisting of documents and photographs, taking place at Dreweatts Auctions in Bloomsbury on Thursday 23 March. The items going under the hammer were from the private collection of the family of Frances Stevenson, Countess Lloyd […]

Sale of Lloyd George memorabilia – 23 March in London

Society members will wish to be aware that a sale of Lloyd George memorabilia, consisting of documents and photographs, will be taking place at Dreweatts Auctions in Bloomsbury starting at 11.00am on Thursday 23 March. The items going under the hammer are from the private collection of the family of Frances Stevenson, Countess Lloyd George […]

More news on the future of the Lloyd George Museum

There are continuing fears that the Lloyd George Museum in Llanystumdwy may not be able to stay open once the extra money given by the Westminster government last year runs out. Welsh Liberal Democrat leader and Ceredigion MP Mark Williams said: “The Lloyd George Museum is a great tourist attraction and has helped educate people […]

Bill Barritt – former Lloyd George Society chairman

Members will be sad to hear that Bill Barritt, who was Lloyd George Society chairman for many years, and who used to run the Society more or less single handed, died on 1 December at the age of 84. The funeral took place at the Roman Catholic Church of St John the Evangelist in Bridgnorth […]

Lloyd George TV programmes

Members may be interested to know that there have been three programmes on the BBC recently on aspects of LG’s career. Two are available on the BBC I Player. They are: Archive on 4 – Lloyd George’s Revolution with Peter Hennessy. Lloyd George’s War with Dan Snow. In addition there was a programme […]

A talk with Dan Snow

On the 6 December, historian Dan Snow gave an enthralling talk on the life and career of his great-great-grandfather David Lloyd George at the National Assembly for Wales. The talk celebrated the life and legacy of David Lloyd George and explored his journey to becoming the first Welsh prime minister in British history. Dan offered […]

Society announces the programme for the 2017 weekend school

The Society’s next weekend school will take place at the Hotel Commodore in Landrindod Wells on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February 2017. We have a full and exciting programme of talks across a wide range of topics, including the impact of Brexit on British business and what President Trump may mean for us all. […]

Sad news about a Society stalwart – the death of Norman Mountain

It is with sadness that we have to let members know of the unexpected death on 7 October 2016 of Norman Mountain of Newport, who was one of the Lloyd George Society’s staunchest members and an assidous attender at our weekend schools for many years. Norman said that he greatly enjoyed the occasion and good […]