Earl Lloyd George talk: 15 April – latest details

Owen Lloyd George, the present and 3rd Earl Lloyd George of Dwyfor, the grandson of Liberal Prime Minister David Lloyd George, will speak about his famous ancestor at the Kettner Lunch, (organised jointly together with the Liberal Democrat History Group) to be held at the National Liberal Club in Whitehall Place on 15 April 2008. […]

Field Marshal HaigandDavid Lloyd George – The Ides of March

Read a new article in the Times concerning the difference in styles between Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig and David Lloyd George against the background of the German push forward of March 1918. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/court_and_social/article3553183.ece The picture attached to this story is the cover of the book, The Haig Diaries: The Diaries of Field Marshal Sir […]

A gloomy meal for one but mischief for another

Just over 71 years ago, on 8 March 1937, Sir Thomas Jaffrey who was once a suitor to Frances Stevenson and had wanted to marry her, invited Miss Stevenson to lunch at the Savoy Hotel. Jaffrey’s first wife had died in 1930 and he proposed marriage to Miss Stevenson the following year, when he was […]

Lloyd George equal second in leading Welsh icons poll

The Great Welsh Survey, carried out in the week commencing 18 February, has placed David Lloyd George in equal second place in the ‘favourite historical figures’ section of the poll. Top place was won by 15th century warrior prince Owain Glyndwr, the last truly Welsh prince of Wales, with 18% of the vote but Lloyd […]

New talk added to pre-2007 archive – The Royal Prerogative

An important previous talk to the Society in 2004 has today been added to the pre-2007 archive page. It was given by David Gladstone, descendant of the Grand Old Man and former British diplomat. It is based on a submission David made to the Public Affairs Select Committee of Parliament on the same subject in […]

Anniversary of bomb plot against Lloyd George

It is worth recalling on the day that protesters have been arrested for breaching security at the Palace of Westminster and yesterday’s news was full of British men being found guilty of participating in camps for terrorists, that violence has been a permanent feature of British political life. The only British prime minister to be […]

New book about Versailles peace treaty

Geraint Talfan Davies is the Chairman of the Institute of Welsh Affairs. He has a distinguished CV, showing how close he has been over the years to the heart of Welsh public life. He was Chairman of Welsh National Opera and former Chairman of the Arts Council of Wales (2003-2006) and Controller of BBC Wales […]

Memories of a successful weekend school, 2008

The annual weekend school for 2008, held at the Commodore Hotel, Llandrindod Wells was attended by more than 50 people even though some regular participants were unable to come this year because of a clash of events. Those attending the school heard some stimulating presentations from the likes of Professor David Butler of Oxford University […]

Who are the top 100 Welsh heroes?

In 2003-2004, the organisation Culturenet Cymru conducted an internet survey to find the top 100 Welsh heroes. They received over 80,000 nominations and votes in their quest to find the greatest Welsh men and women of all time. It is now almost two years exactly since the survey was completed, so maybe its time for […]

Remembering the Liberal – SDP Alliance and a stalwart Welsh Liberal MP

On 10 February 1982, as the heady days of the Liberal-SDP Alliance were being exchanged for dips in the opinion polls, the former Liberal MP for Merioneth (1945-51), Mr Emrys Roberts, wrote to the Times from his home at Dwy Dderden on the isle of Anglesey. Emrys Roberts was politically close to Lady Megan Lloyd […]