Cabinet meets outside London – Lloyd George connection

When Gordon Brown’s Cabinet met in Birmingham on 8 September it was widely reported that this was for the first time since 1921, when Lloyd George was still prime minister. A report in Tuesday’s Times newspaper has thrown doubt on that claim but contains some interesting background to the 1921 meeting in Inverness, called as […]

Ireland to issue Pensions postage stamp

The Press Association has today reported that the Postal Service in the Republic of Ireland, An Post, is to issue a commemorative stamp in September to mark the 100th anniversary of the old age pension. The introduction of the Old Age Pension in Ireland came in 1908 because at that time it was still part […]

Lloyd George earldom – new light thrown by recent article

Historians and followers of Lloyd George’s career alike have often wondered what provoked the Welsh Wizard to accept a peerage towards the end of his life, a life in which LG had often battled against the House of Lords. In the 1930s, LG had criticised public figures like Ernest Bevin who was tipped for a […]

Ffion Hague’s ‘The Pain and the Privilege’ – book signing details

A small replica of the statue of David Lloyd George which was unveiled in Parliament Square, Westminster last year has been donated to the Lloyd George Museum in his home village of Llanystumdwy and as from 12 August 2008 will be on permanent display there. The bronze sculpture, or maquette, is one foot high. It […]

100 years of the state pension – thanks to Lloyd George

The press has featured a number of articles this week to commemorate the 100th anniversary last week of the introduction of the state pension in 1908. David Lloyd George was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time; the making of ‘that provision for the aged which compassion demands..’ as Winston Churchill described it in March […]

Do want to own a piece of Lloyd George history?

If you would like to be the owner of a unique piece of political memorabilia associated with David Lloyd George, you will have to attend the auction rooms at Welshpool Town Hall next month, when you will have a chance to bid for a George III drop leaf bureau made in oak which is being […]

Ffion Hague talks about her Lloyd George book

Ffion Hague has been talking about her book on David Lloyd George and the women in his life, The Pain and the Privilege, at the Buxton Festival in Derbyshire. Among the one-liners Mrs Hague produced were “Lloyd George was still pursuing conquests into his late 60s, making Clinton look like an amateur” and “[LG] was […]

2009 Weekend School – date and venue set

The Society’s next weekend school will be held at the Hotel Commodore in Llandrindod Wells from the evening of Friday 20 February 2009 until lunchtime on Sunday 22nd. No details as to cost or of guest speakers are yet available. As more information becomes known the details will appear on the website but please clear […]

Celebrating 50 years of Independent Television in Wales – with a mention of Lloyd George, of course

Actor Jonathan Owen is making a series of four programmes for ITV1 Wales, based on the years 1958, 1948, 1928 and 1918 – to mark fifty years of independent television broadcasting in Wales. The series will start with a look at the 1958 Commonwealth Games in Cardiff. 1948 will examine the birth of the National […]

Working with Others: the Lib-Lab Pact revisited – would LG have approved?

Of all politicians, apart perhaps from Winston Churchill, surely Lloyd George was one who most understood that you could only achieve things in politics from a position of power. Lloyd George shared power with the Conservatives and Labour during his First World War coalition. He considered the idea of ‘fusion’ between Coalition Liberals and Conservatives […]