New papers added to the Society archive

We have been able today to add four new texts to the archive of papers prepared for delivery to the Lloyd George Society. These are three talks given at the weekend school of February 2008 and a fourth by Society Chairman Bill Barritt which he prepared for presentation. The talks are on “Lloyd George, the […]

New Vice-President of the Society: Jennifer Longford

The Society is very pleased that Jennifer Longford, the daughter of Frances Stevenson, Countess Lloyd George, who was present with us at this year’s Weekend School, has agreed to become one of the Society’s Vice-Presidents. The resolution to elect Jennifer Longford, made at the Society’s AGM on 22 February, was proposed by Joyce Aram and […]

Lloyd George knew my father….but what’s the origin of the famous song?

Huw Edwards, the news broadcaster, will present a programme about Lloyd George tonight on BBC4 from 8.00-9.30pm. It seems to be repeat of a programme which went out first last year but is well worth re-watching if you missed it first time round. According to the BBC blurb, the profile of our former Prime Minister […]

Additional speaker for weekend school 2009 – Lt Col Richard Parry

The Society is delighted to announce that Lieutenant Colonel Richard Parry had agreed to speak at the next Weekend School to be held at Llandrindod Wells over the weekend of 20/22 February 2009. Lt Col Parry’s subject will be the British Army’s current land operations.

Come to the Weekend School and get the Obama effect

No, sorry to disappoint you but President-elect Obama won’t be a guest at the Weekend School. However there is a session addressing his election and the impact it may have on relations between Britain, Europe and America. We are pleased now to publish the programme for the Weekend School, to be held at the Hotel […]

2009 Weekend School dates and some speakers confirmed

The next weekend school will be held at the Commodore Hotel, Llandrindod Wells between 20th and 22nd February 2009. The hotel has increased its charge by £7 to £122 for the full weekend, which the Society hopes you will find acceptable. Lord Newby of Rothwell (Dick Newby) has confirmed he will speak at the Weekend […]

Hidden portrait of Lloyd George revealed

A portrait of David Lloyd George, which has rarely been on view since it was painted in 1936, has been put on display at the Lloyd George Museum at Llanystumdwy. The painting is by Welsh artist Vincent Evans from Swansea who worked as a coal miner before becoming famous as an artist. The portrait has […]

Bridget Fox on Lloyd George, Pensions and contemporary politics

Bridget Fox is the Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Islington South & Finsbury where she has a real chance of unseating Labour MP Emily Thornberry at the next election. In 2005 Thornberry’s majority was just 484 votes, with the Tories out of contention on less than 15% of the poll. Bridget has written an […]

Friends of the Lloyd George Museum/Cyfeillion Amgueddfa Lloyd George – Rhaglen 2008-2009 Programme

The Friends of the Lloyd George Museum exist to promote the interests of the Lloyd George museum in Llanystumdwy by: *providing support and assistance for the Museum and its educational use *organising and publicising lectures and other events *raising funds *assisting with new developments *providing funds for purchasing suitable items for display and research The […]

More about the Pensions Act as An Post about to unveil their new stamp

An article by Ronan O’Brien in today’s Irish Times gives some more background to the introduction of the 1908 Pensions Act by the Liberal government of H H Asquith. However O’Brien rightly makes the point that many politicians of different parties supported the idea of the state pension and gives credit to the former Liberal […]