19th century Welsh Liberal MPs – a chance to own a piece of Liberal history

In 1894, T Marchant Williams published a book containing pictures and biographies of all the Welsh Liberal MPs of the time, 34 in all. Those were the days. The book was published by Daniel Owen of Cardiff. The portraits are black and white drawings by Wil Morgan similar in style to those published in Vanity […]

A date for your diary – the next Lloyd George Society weekend school, 19-21 February 2010

The next weekend school will be held at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells, Powys from the evening of Friday 19 until lunchtime on Sunday 21 February 2010. Speakers who have confirmed they will attend are: Professor Lord Kenneth Morgan who will speak on Gladstone and Abraham Lincoln and their influence on Lloyd George, Lord Carlile […]

The Love Triangle at the heart of Lloyd George’s life

Do not forget to watch Ffion Hague presenting a documentary on S4C on Sunday, 20 September tracing the relationship between David Lloyd George, one of Britain’s greatest politicians, and his two wives. Ffion, herself, is the wife of a prominent politician, the Conservative Party’s Shadow Foreign Secretary, William Hague. In the programme, Dwy Wraig Lloyd […]

Yn ol troed Lloyd George – In Lloyd George’s Footsteps

The Friends of the Lloyd George Museum and Silver Star Holidays Ltd have organised a trip to London from Thursday 3 – Sunday 6 December 2009 to visit sites associated with David Lloyd George. Itinerary: Thursday 3 December Travel to London, 8pm dinner at Odettes restaurant, Primrose Hill Friday 4 December Morning visiting some of […]

Watch ” The Two Wives of Lloyd George, with Ffion Hague” on 20 September, 9pm on S4C

Ffion Hague presents a one hour documentary on the relationship between Lloyd George and his wives – Margaret Owen and Frances Stevenson, charting the women’s extraordinary influence on the great man’s life and career. The programme is made for Welsh language channel S4C and is available with subtitles in English (page 888). Information on how […]

Is Gordon Brown the new Lloyd George?

A recent article in the Financial Times by historian Peter Clarke has drawn parallels between our current prime minister and David Lloyd George. Not in comparing their legislative legacy, in which LG surely outstrips the current occupant of number 10 Downing Street; nor in the dishonesty of Labour politicians on Brown’s watch milking the taxpayer […]

‘The wizard, the goat, the man who won the war’ – Llanystumdwy celebrates Lloyd George Day

Saturday 16 May 2009 is Lloyd George Day – to be celebrated with a special series of dramas and events in the great man’s home village of Llanystumdwy. The celebration is organised by Gwynedd Council, which runs the Lloyd George Museum in the North Wales village. A major part of the celebration will be the […]

As swine flu hits – look back 100 years

The media today is full of the H1N1 virus and its potential to inflict death on a global scale. However almost exactly 100 years ago an influenza pandemic did actually break out and carried off millions around the world. One report later estimated that nearly half the world’s then population (around a billion people) were […]

Read Lloyd George’s message to the American people on the anniversary of the entry of the USA into the First World War

The Guardian newspaper has today published a story from their archives dated 7 April 1917, in which the declaration of war against Germany by the USA is reported. Included in the article is the official message sent by David Lloyd George, as British prime minister and on behalf of the War Cabinet, to the American […]

Listen to Nick Robinson, the BBC political correspondent, on David Lloyd George

Nick Robinson, the chief political editor of the BBC, has recorded a 15 minute programme about David Lloyd George in the series ‘The Prime Ministers’ for Radio 4. You can still hear it on BBC iPlayer – where it will be available for the next four days by following the link: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00jck84 The programme has […]