Date of 2013 weekend school announced

The Society’s weekend school for 2013 will take place at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells from Friday 15 – Sunday 17 February next year. Please note your diaries now. The following speakers have confirmed; Dr J Graham Jones, Head of the Welsh Political Archive at the National Library of Wales on our former Vice-President, Jennifer […]

Join us for a celebration of Britain’s last Liberal prime minister – on his 150th birthday

David Lloyd George was born on 17 January 1863 in Manchester. Brought up in the Caernarfonshire village of Llanystumdwy under the tutelage of his uncle Lloyd he went on to become Celtic Radical, Welsh Nationalist, Champion of Nonconformity, Liberal MP for Caernarfon Boroughs for 54 years, Author of the People’s Budget, Prime Minister and The […]

First Welsh minister in Liberal tradition since Gwilym Lloyd George

The Society is delighted to report that Baroness Jenny Randerson’s recent appointment as a Welsh Office minister in the government re-shuffle makes her first Welsh Liberal to hold a UK ministerial post in a peacetime administration since Gwilym Lloyd George in 1945. She also becomes the first Welsh female politician to hold office at Westminister […]

Celia Thomas wins Health Champion award

The Society wishes to offer its congratulations to Baroness Celia Thomas, one of the Society’s Vice-Presidents and committee member, on her receipt of the award of Health Champion from the as part of their Charity Champion Awards, 2012. Celia received her award from Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow. The organisers ask charitable […]

Professor Kenneth Morgan recommends Peace, ReformandLiberation

Professor Kenneth Morgan, biographer of Lloyd George, and valued guest at Society events has written a review of the recently published history of Liberal politics in Britain, edited by Robert Ingham and Duncan Brack and published by Biteback Books. Morgan’s review is almost as much of a review of Liberal history itself as it follows […]

Tribute to Gwilym Rhys Edwards

Society members attending our last weekend school were saddened to learn of the death of one of our most stalwart supporters and friends, Gwilym Rhys Edwards. Here is the tribute to Gwilym delivered at the school by Winston Roddick, now the chairman of the Society. ” had been a life long member of the Liberal […]

Jennifer Longford

Jennifer Longford remembered

A new obituary of Jennifer Longford has appeared in The Telegraph, edition of 9 April 2012. With the Society’s consent it quotes from the talk Jennifer gave to the weekend school in 2001 and contains other material which may be new to some readers. The obituary also recognises Jennifer Longford’s role as a Vice-President of […]

Kirsty Williams

Good news for the Society as Kirsty Williams AM accepts our invitation to become a Vice-President

Following the sad news of the recent deaths of two of the Society’s stalwart Vice-Presidents, Emlyn Hooson and Jennifer Longford, we are delighted to be able to announce that Kirsty Williams AM, Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has agreed to become a Vice-President of the Society. Kirsty Williams has represented Brecon and Radnorshire in […]

Jennifer Longford

Obituary of Jennifer Longford

As hoped, we are now able to make available a full obituary of Jennifer Longford, a much missed Vice-President of the Society and link in the chain to David Lloyd George. The tribute has been written by Jennifer Longford’s daughter Ruth, who in 1996 published a biography of her grandmother, Frances Stevenson entitled “Frances, Countess […]

Memories of Lloyd George by Jennifer Longford

The sad death of Jennifer Longford, the daughter of Frances Stevenson, Countess Lloyd George, has prompted memories of Jennifer’s visits to previous weekend schools and brought back to mind the talk she gave in 2001 entitled “.” The talk covered the last 15 years of LG’s life but, in Jennifer Longford’s words, this period of […]