The Lloyd George Society weekend school is back

As promised, the Lloyd George Society weekend school is back. The 2022 school will be held at our usual venue, the Hotel Commodore in beautiful Llandrindod Wells on 26-27 February. The hotel has not asked for any increase in accommodation costs since our last school in 2020 but there is a small increase in the cost of dinner on Saturday night for anyone not staying at the hotel.
We have a wide variety of topics meeting our mission statement of History, Politics, Debate. We are delighted that Ken and Elizabeth Morgan will be joining us again with talks on Lloyd George and France and the upcoming presidential election in France. We are also especially pleased that a serving minister in the Senedd, Dawn Bowden MS, has agreed to come and talk to the Society on her portfolio responsibility, the Arts (including archives and museums) and Sport in Wales. To complete our agenda on Saturday we have Dr Ian Stafford on American politics after (for now at least) Donald Trump and author Glenys Harrison to talk about her distant relative Sir John T Davies who served as Lloyd George’s Principal Private Secretary from 1919-1922.
Our after dinner speaker will be Dr Mark Pack, President of the Liberal Democrats.
Sunday has a slightly expanded agenda as we concentrate on the current state of British and Welsh politics. You will find the full programme and booking forms for the weekend by following the links from our home page.

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