Society announces the programme for the 2017 weekend school

The Society’s next weekend school will take place at the Hotel Commodore in Landrindod Wells on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 February 2017.
We have a full and exciting programme of talks across a wide range of topics, including the impact of Brexit on British business and what President Trump may mean for us all. Perhaps our main attraction is Dr. Anna Beer, A Visiting Fellow of Kellogg College, Oxford and biographer of John Milton. We have our usual mixture of history, politics and debate. Our distinguished after-dinner speaker will be Baroness Lorely Burt who will stay with us on Sunday morning for our panel session led by Mark Williams MP.
We are pleased to report that the hotel ahas agreed that prices should stay the same next year. Booking forms can be found elselwhere on this site, so please get filling them in and return to the Treasurer.
The full programme is below.

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