Dates and speakers for next year’s weekend school are announced

The 2016 weekend school will take place at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells, on Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 February, the weekend without rugby internationals.
We have another programme of brilliant speakers again this time. Perhaps our main attraction is Professor Lord Kenneth Morgan on Lloyd George in the 100th anniversary year of his becoming prime minister. There is the usual mixture of history, politics and debate with Michael Meadowcroft on the First Labour government, Baroness Kath Pinnock on the future of local government, Baroness Julie Smith on Europe and the Referendum, Dr Robert Falkner on the Environment and Dr Elizabeth Gibson-Morgan on aspects of the British Constitution. There will be a session on the future of British politics on Sunday morning followed by our usual panel of politicians, this year with Mark Williams MP. Our distinguished after-dinner speaker will be Baroness Kishwer Falkner.
The hotel has agreed to hold prices much as they were in 2015. The one difference is that for the past few years they have been absorbing a loss on the cost of lunch for those staying only one night, so we have agreed to add that to the room price but the overall package represents good value for money.
Booking forms are available to download from this site – see links on front page.

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