Churchill and Lloyd George – an address by Professor Richard Toye, Churchill Fellow at Exeter University

The Society is pleased to learn that Professor Richard Toye, author of the 2007 publication, is to deliver a talk about these two titans of 20th century British politics in the Wallace Lecture Theatre, Cardiff University Main Building, Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3BB at 10:30 on Saturday 3 October organised by the Friends of the National Museum, Wales.
Swansea born Richard Toye BA MPhil PhD (Cantab) FRHistS is a Professor of Modern History at Exeter University and a Churchill Fellow. Named Young Academic Writer of the Year by the Times Higher Education Magazine in 2007 he has written extensively on International and European history. Richard is the author of three books on Winston Churchill.
The Welsh Association of Churchill Fellows operates under the aegis of the Churchill Memorial trust (Charity No 313952), a non-political body which grants British citizens Travelling Fellowships overseas, thereby equipping them on their return with knowledge and best practice for the benefit of others. Part of the Friends’ Saturday morning lecture series, the talk also features in the Association’s celebrations to mark Churchill’s life and legacy on the 50th anniversary of his death in 1965.
The admission charge for this event, to include post-lecture coffee/tea, and free parking at the University (a short distance from the National Museum) is £8 for Friends’ pre-paid bookings, £10 at the door on the day.

If you wish to take advantage of the concessionary rate, please cut and paste the slip below, complete and return it by Wednesday, September 30 with your cheque to:

Roger Gagg, 15 Llandennis Avenue, Cyncoed, Cardiff CF23 6JD. (Tel: 02920 752338).

To minimise postal costs, no acknowledgement will be sent or tickets issued.
Friends of National Museum Wales


Wallace Lecture Theatre, Cardiff University Main Building

Park Place, Cardiff CF10 3BB

3 October 2015.

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