Change of speaker at weekend school – but Lloyd George still the top attraction

Lloyd George Society members felt they had been treated to a fine mixture of interesting and enjoyable presentations on history, politics and policy at this year’s weekend school at the Hotel Commodore in Llandrindod Wells. A small increase in numbers over those attending the 2014 school heard talks on Saturday on Lloyd George and Joseph Chamberlain, William Wedgwood Benn, Emlyn Hooson, the Royal Family and Freedom of Information, re-establishing Liberalism in Montgomeryshire and Lloyd George a biography in cartoons. On the Sunday we were treated to an analysis of what the general election was expected to hold for all the parties and our usual lively panel session with three politicians.
At the Annual General Meeting it was resolved to meet agan at the Commodore in 2016 with the hope of another entertaining and stimumating weekend.

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