Lloyd George’s Tada – the one father he never knew

The Society has received some more information about the new biography of the father of David Lloyd George, due to be published next year to coincide with the 150th anniversary of the death of school teacher William George. As the author, Peter Rowland, points out – in the words of the song Lloyd George knew everyone’s father, except of course his own, as William George died when the future Welsh Wizard was just 16 months old.
The book will not just be of interest to scholars of Lloyd George (professional or amateur) but should also be relevant to the current question of how teachers should be trained and how schools should be organised and inspected. The publication also adds to the literature on the influence which the fathers of leading politicians may have exercised over their sons and daughters and the author promises an unexpected contribution to this debate.
You can read the updated details about the new book on Mr Rowland’s website by the following this link: http://www.peterrowland.org.uk/history.html#wg

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