Welsh political figures illustrated playing cards

Professor Russell Deacon of the Lloyd George Society, together with the artist Dan Peterson, have created what they believe to be the first set Welsh historical playing cards. The set of 54 cards, produced from hand-drawn portraits includes three prime ministers and all three political Lloyd Georges, as well as many other Liberal figures such as former party leader Clement Davies, former Vice-President of the LG Society, the late Richard Livsey and current leader of the Welsh party, Kirsty Williams AM.
The cards are based on the four main political parties in Wales, Labour, Conservative, Plaid Cymru and Liberal Democrat. As well as many well-known Liberal figures, the collection includes such notables as Ramsay MacDonald, Jim Callaghan, Michael Foot, Nye Bevan, Neil Kinnock, Michael Heseltine and Gwynfor Evans. The period covered by the cards is the mid-19th century to the present day.
The cards make an ideal present or a fine addition to any collection of political memorabilia. You can find out more about them, and how to purchase at the website: http://www.protestandsurvive.com/

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