Secretary of State for Wales to speak at 2012 weekend school

The Society is delighted to report that the Rt. Hon Cheryl Gillan MP, Secretary of State for Wales, has agreed to come to next year’s weekend school to speak on the topic, “The UK Coalition government and Wales”. Ms Gillan will speak on the afternoon of Saturday 18 February. This is not the first time somone with credentials as Welsh secretary has spoken to Society members. In 2007, Paul Murphy who was Labour Secretary of State from 1999-2002 and again in 2008-2009 came to the weekend school to talk about security and terrorism. However Ms Gillan will be the first serving Secretary of State to address the school and we are particularly pleased to welcome her.
We hope that members and newcomers will be attracted to the school to hear what the Secretary of State has to say about the UK government’s policy towards Wales and look forward to a fascinating presentation to add to the list of distinguished speakers who have confirmed they will be attending.

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