2009 Weekend School dates and some speakers confirmed

The next weekend school will be held at the Commodore Hotel, Llandrindod Wells between 20th and 22nd February 2009.
The hotel has increased its charge by £7 to £122 for the full weekend, which the Society hopes you will find acceptable.
Lord Newby of Rothwell (Dick Newby) has confirmed he will speak at the Weekend School to be held at the Hotel Commodore in Llandrindod Wells on the weekend of 20/22 February 2009.
Lord Newby is the Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesperson in the House of Lords and he will speak at the School on the subject of the economy, an issue which while it has always loomed large, has recently developed into something much more ominous with the credit crunch, banking collapses, the recession, house-price free-fall and the very existence of the western capitalist model under question.
We very much look forward to Lord Newby’s contribution to the School.
You can see Lord Newby’s page on the Lib Dems national website by following this link: http://www.libdems.org.uk/people/lord-newby-of-rothwell

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