Bridget Fox on Lloyd George, Pensions and contemporary politics

Bridget Fox is the Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate for Islington South & Finsbury where she has a real chance of unseating Labour MP Emily Thornberry at the next election. In 2005 Thornberry’s majority was just 484 votes, with the Tories out of contention on less than 15% of the poll.
Bridget has written an article for the Guardian newspaper about pensions policy and surveying the current party political scene. It starts with a reference to Lloyd George and his connections to Criccieth and Llanystumdwy, notes the anniversary of the 1909 People’s Budget, traces the erosions in the value of pensions under Labour and Conservative governments and develops into a survey of contemporary politics.
The article also has links to the Lloyd George Museum and the biography of David Lloyd George on the Liberal Democrat History Group website.
You can read the article in the Guardian online pages at:
Go to: for the result of the 2005 general election in Islington South & Finsbury and to: for the profile of Bridget Fox on the Lib Dem national website.

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