Final programme for the next weekend school, 15-16 February at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells

The final preparations are now in place for the Lloyd George Society’s annual weekend school, which will take place on Saturday 15 and Sunday 16 February (the weekend without rugby union internationals) at our usual recent venue, the Hotel Commodore, Spa Road, Llandrindod Wells.
This year we are delighted to welcome back Britain’s foremost scholar of Lloyd George, Professor Lord K O Morgan to talk about Lloyd George and Germany. In addition we again welcome Lady Elizabeth Gibson Morgan, senior research fellow at King’s College, to tell us how Brexit has altered the British constitution.
Clement Davies was Liberal MP for Montgomeryshire from 1929-1962 and leader of the Liberal Party from 1945-56. This year his grandson Christopher will address the Society with a portrait and assessment of his grandfather. On Saturday afternoon, Jane Brophy, one of the record number of Liberal Democrats elected as MEPs in June 2019 and a strong campaigner on environmental issues at home and in Europe, being an executive member of the Green Lib Dems, will talk on climate change and the urgency of Green issues. Also in the afternoon, Dr Sam Blaxland of Swansea University, an expert on elections and current affairs, will give his overview of the result of the 2019 general election and what it means for today’s political scene.
Our after dinner speaker will be Baroness Judith Jolly who has spoken on health and defence issues for the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords.
On Sunday morning we welcome Michael Meadowcroft, former Liberal MP and writer and commentator on a wide range of political issues. Michael will be giving a tribute to two long standing Liberal figures who died last year, Lord Geoff Tordoff who was a Vice President of the Lloyd George Society and Richard Moore.
The school concludes with the panel session with Jane Dodds, the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, Michael Meadowcroft, Baroness Judith Jolly, Cllr Bill Powell and Baroness Joan Walmsley.

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