Wales, Lloyd George and the Treaty of Versailles


Two new articles covering aspects of the Treaty of Versailles, the role of David Lloyd George and the impact of the peace on the Welsh economy have been published by BBC Wales on their website. One is in English and concerns the impact of the Treaty on the Welsh coal economy. The other is in Welsh and has a wider perspective though it does also consider implications for Wales. Both articles have been informed by the contributions of Dr Gethin Matthews of Swansea University.
The article in English can be accessed at: and the one in Welsh at:
These articles of course link to the 100th anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, which will be the subject of A Joyce Arram Memorial Lecture in the National Liberal Club on 25 November. The Lloyd George Society has arranged this meeting which will be chaired by Baroness Sarah Ludford with our guest speaker the distinguished political historian Alistair Cooke, Baron Lexden.

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