Hear Lloyd George and Clement Davies speak

You can find all sorts of unexpected entertainments on Youtube but we have recently come across two old newsreel clips which will surely be of interest to Lloyd George Society members. First a newsreel from the general election of November 1935 in which Lloyd George urges voters to support candidates who are for peace, disarmament and the relief of unemployment. He is followed by an address from Sir John Simon who had by that time fully allied himself and his National Liberal MPs with the mainly Conservative National government of Stanley Baldwin.
The other clip is of Clement Davies, Liberal leader from 1945-1956, addressing electors during the 1950 general election. Davies starts by declaring that in his view the British voter is essentially liberal in outlook and he goes on set oout why if the electors want a liberal Britain they should vote for the 400 or so Liberal candidates standing in the election.
These clips are fascinating views of a lost world of British politics and society.
There will be short adverts before the clips but you can skip them.
Lloyd George is at:

Clement Davies is at:Interview With The Rt Hon Clement Davies Aka Election Interview No 1 (1950)

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