Sad news about a Society stalwart – the death of Norman Mountain

It is with sadness that we have to let members know of the unexpected death on 7 October 2016 of Norman Mountain of Newport, who was one of the Lloyd George Society’s staunchest members and an assidous attender at our weekend schools for many years.
Norman said that he greatly enjoyed the occasion and good company at the weekend schools but his favourite part was always the panel session with MPs and peers answering questions from the floor because you had the politicians there and you could quiz them directly.
Norman was unable to come to the 2016 school because of illness. He was missed by his friends on that occasion but he will be more deeply next February. The Lloyd George Society wished to send its condolences to Norman’s family on their sad loss.
The Society has received the following memorial to Norman published in the local party newsletter, the text of which we are pleased to reproduce.

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