Reflections on the Magna Carta and Wales – Lord Igor Judge, the former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales

rd December 2015 Lord Igor Judge, the former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales to book a place.
th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta. This ‘great charter’ has influenced the judicial systems of not only England and Wales but numerous other countries across the world including the United States. In doing so it stands out as one of the most significant documents in Western history. Yet the charter was signed between English barons and the English King John. So what was its relevance to Wales at the time and since? To explain this the Lord Igor Judge, the former Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales, will reflect on the impact and influence of the Magna Carta. In his talk he will examine both how and why a charter signed eight centuries ago still manages to shape people’s lives in Wales today.
Rt Hon. the Lord Judge
Lord Judge was born on 19 May 1941 in Malta, where he was educated until 1954. Appointed a Recorder of the Crown Court in 1976, Lord Judge was appointed Queen’s Counsel (QC) in 1979. In 1987 he was elected Leader of the Midland and Oxford Circuit and a Bencher of the Middle Temple. In 1988 Lord Judge was appointed a High Court Judge, Queen’s Bench Division and knighted. From 1990 until 1993, and again between 1996 and 1998, he was Chairman of the Criminal Committee of the Judicial Studies Board. In 1996 he was appointed Lord Justice of Appeal and sworn in as a Privy Councillor. From 1998 until 2003 Lord Judge was Senior Presiding Judge for England and Wales, and from 2003 to 2005, Deputy Chief Justice. In 2005 he was appointed as the first President of the Queen’s Bench Division.
On 1 October 2008 Lord Judge was appointed Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales and Head of the Judiciary of England and Wales, from which he retired in 2013. Shortly afterwards he was created a life peer. In 2015 Lord Judge was appointed as Chief Surveillance Commissioner.

The talks is sponsored by Cardiff Metropolitan University and Cardiff Sixth Form College

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