Lloyd George celebrations a great success

Celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the birth of David Lloyd George on 17 January have been widely reported and represent a a fitting memorial to the Welsh Wizard. LL.G’s grandson, Lord Tenby (pictured) and members of the George family, decended from LL.G’s brother, William were present at the statue in Parliament Square for the service and tributes and laid commemorative wreaths of daffodils along with Lady Jane Bonham Carter, the great-granddaughter of Lloyd George’s great Liberal rival H H Asquith. Lord Roberts of Llandudno’s celebrations then moved to the Undercroft Chapel in Westminster Hall and ended with speeches in the Jubilee Room from representatives of the four main parties in Wales.
In the evening the Society’s own dinner at the National Liberal Club was a great success; a full David Lloyd George Room hearing the original musical composition Why Should We Not Sing? by Nicholas O’Neill and contributions from Lords Kenneth Morgan and Dafydd Wigley. The text of those talks will be available on the Society website soon.
The Society’s exhibition at the Pierhead Building, with original artwork by Dan Peterson, has been formally opened and will run until the end of January – a selection of photographs from the exhibition can be seen in the photo gallery on this site. To begin exploring some of the press reports of the day, why not visit this piece in the which features the exhibition?

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