The Society welcomes well-deserved award for Roger Williams MP

Roger Williams, the MP for Brecon and Radnor and a regular panellist at Society weekend schools has been awarded the CBE in the New Years’ Honours list. Roger, who was a founder member of the Social Democratic Party, has represented Brecon and Radnor since 2001, taking over from former Society Vice-President Richard Livesy.
Richard said that while he was deeply honoured to receive his CBE, it had come as a complete surprise to learn he was to receive the award and that he was humbled by it because he knew of so many good people in his constituency who made a significant contribution to public, charitable and voluntary life who should also be honoured.
The Lloyd George Society wishes to acknowledge all the hard work that Roger Williams does in his constituency and at Westminster and to offer our congratulations to Roger on his award. We now look forward to seeing and hearing from him again at Llandrindod Wells at the weekend school panel session all the more.
You can read more about Roger’s award and other Honours List news for Wales at:

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