Dates and costs of 2013 Weekend School announced

The next Society weekend school will take place from Friday 15 – Sunday 17 February 2013. The venue will be the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells. Costs are broadly similar to last time.
The following speakers have confirmed; Dr Graham Jones, Head of the Welsh Political Archive on Jennifer Longford; David Melding (Conservative AM) on the Coalition and the Economy; Nest Thomas, Curator of the Lloyd George Museum and Professor Chris Taylor of Cardiff University on Britain’s changing education system. In addition we are planning a session in tribute to our former chief, Emlyn Hooson.
Wales Office minister Baroness Jenny Randerson will be our after dinner speaker and will debate on Sunday morning with Syd Morgan of the Wales Nationalism Foundation on whether the referendum on Scottish independence makes it more likely Wales will wish to leave the United Kingdom.
On Sunday morning after the debate we will have our usual panel session and Roger Williams MP has kindly agreed to join us for this.
A booking form with all costs and prices for the school is available to download on this site at:

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