Two men who got things done

Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg seen here with Lloyd George Society officer, Professor Russell Deacon holding two portrait posters of Clegg and David Lloyd George at the Cardiff South and Penarth by-election headquarters in Cardiff on Friday 8th September.
The original Lloyd George poster comes from the 1929 ‘We can conquer unemployment’ general election. It alludes to the fact that although LL.G did not enjoy a good press and was pillared by the other political parties he had had to do his best when prime minister under difficult social and economic circumstances, in Coalition with the Conservatives. The parody has been produced for by the political artist Dan Peterson. It shows that despite there being a gap of some 88 years between when LL.G and Clegg held senior government office that similar attacks on both Liberal leaders has continued. Nick Clegg was very pleased to receive the portrait and unsurprisingly agreed that ‘both had had to suffer much criticism governing in hard times!’.

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