Date of 2013 weekend school announced

The Society’s weekend school for 2013 will take place at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells from Friday 15 – Sunday 17 February next year. Please note your diaries now.
The following speakers have confirmed; Dr J Graham Jones, Head of the Welsh Political Archive at the National Library of Wales on our former Vice-President, Jennifer Longford; Robert Melling AM of the Think Tank, Gorwel, on the Coalition and the Economy: a View from the Centre Right; Nest Thomas, Curator of the Lloyd George Museum at Llanystumdwy. Roger Williams MP has also kindly agreed to participate in the panel session on Sunday morning and our after dinner speaker will be Wales Office minister Baroness Jenny Randerson. Jenny has also accepted the invitation to stay with us on Sunday morning and will debate with Syd Morgan of the Wales Nationalism Foundation on whether the referendum on Scottish independence makes it more likely Wales will wish to leave the United Kingdom.
We also hope to include a session in tribute to the late Lord Emlyn Hooson, one of the founders of the Lloyd George Society.
Costs are still being arranged with the hotel and details will be circulated as soon as we have them, along with a full programme.

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