Celia Thomas wins Health Champion award

The Society wishes to offer its congratulations to Baroness Celia Thomas, one of the Society’s Vice-Presidents and committee member, on her receipt of the award of Health Champion from the as part of their Charity Champion Awards, 2012. Celia received her award from Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow.
The organisers ask charitable organisations to nominate MPs and Peers for awards. Nominations are open to all registered charities to nominate as many parliamentarians in as many categories as they wish. With healthcare always at the forefront of many people’s minds, the Health Champion award was to be given to the parliamentarian who, over the last twelve months had done the most to support the work of their chosen health charity. Celia Thomas was nominated by the Muscular Dystrophy Campaign. The Society is delighted that Celia, who was described by Liberal Democrat News as “highly skilled at the art of persuasive campaigning,” has won this accolade as champion of such a worthy cause.

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