Tributes for Lord Hooson – the Society loses a valued a Vice-President

Following a successful school in Llandrindod Wells last weekend, Society members are devasted to learn of the death of Emlyn Hooson, a founder member of the Welsh Liberal weekend schools and MP for Montgomeryshire from 1962-1979. Among tributes to Lord Hooson was one from the leader of the Welsh Liberal Democrats, Kirsty Williams AM, who called Lord Hooson “a steadfast Liberal” and current Conservative Montgomeryshire MP, Glyn Davies who told the BBC that Wales “had lost one of its greatest citizens”. His colleague in the Lords, Roger Roberts of Llandudno, said he was “possibly the most outstanding Liberal of his generation”.
Society members will have their own memories of Lord Hooson, who faithfully attended weekend schools with his wife Lady Shirley Hooson for many years. He was a witty and insightful speaker and always happy to share a friendly conversation with members over lunch or tea and biscuits.
Lord Hooson contested the leadership of the Liberal Party in 1967 but eventually withdrew in favour of Jeremy Thorpe. It should not be forgotten that also in 1967, Emlyn Hooson introduced a Bill into the House of Commons for devolved government in Wales. A true Welsh Liberal, a wonderful Vice-President of the Lloyd George Society, Emlyn Hooson will be sadly missed. We hope a longer, more in depth tribute to Lord Hooson will appear on this website in the coming days.

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