More dates for The Wizard, the Goat and the Man who Won the War

The acclaimed play about David Lloyd George, is to be performed for an additional two nights, and makes it Cardiff premiere as a special St. David’s Day event (and the day after, too!) The play, starring Richard Elfyn as David Lloyd George, will be staged at the Richard Burton Theatre, Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama in Cathays Park on Thursday 1 March & Friday 2 March, starting at 7,30pm. Tickets: £12, £10 concessions. Phone: 029 20 391391 or book online at
For a taste of the show on youtube go to

‘A veritable tour de force’ ‘The most intelligent, absorbing and moving piece of theatre I have seen in years’

‘Unexpectedly funny. A real treat.’ ‘Exquisite and rewarding entertainment’
Coalition government… political scandal… David Lloyd George took it in his stride and still found time for a colourful personal life. The Welsh Wizard was a giant of 20th Century global politics, yet the nation remains divided about him. Writer/director D.J.Britton and BAFTA-winning actor Richard Elfyn have created an exhilarating soloperformance, finding mystery, charm, poetry and much humour in Lloyd George’s extraordinary life. Set in Antibes, France, on his 50th wedding anniversary, this speculative drama follows Lloyd George’s imagination through his imperfect past into dreams of further conquests, personal and political.

Llywodraeth glymblaid….sgandal gwleidyddol… roed y cwbl yn ddidrafferth i David Lloyd George ac roedd dal i fod amser ganddo am fywyd personol lliwgar. Roedd y Dewin Cymreig yn gawr yng ngwleidyddiaeth fydol yr 20fed ganrif, ond erys y wlad yn rhanedig yn ei gylch. Mae’r ysgrifennwr/cyfarwyddwr D.J. Britton a’r actor ac enillydd BAFTA Richard Elfyn wedi creu perfformiad unigol cyffrous, gan ddarganfod dirgelwch, swyn, barddoniaeth a llawer o hiwmor ym mywyd rhyfeddol Lloyd George. Wedi ei gosod yn Antibes, Ffrainc, ar ben-blwydd ei briodas aur, mae’r ddrama ddyfaliadol hon yn dilyn dychymyg Lloyd George trwy ei orffennol amherffaith i freuddwydion am

goncwestau’r dyfodol.

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