Dates and speakers announced for 2012 weekend school

The next Society weekend school will be held from Friday 17 – Sunday 19 February 2012 at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells. Confirmed speakers include Dr Sandy Waugh (contributor to the ) comparing aspects of Scottish and Welsh Liberalism, Professor Jon Roper of Swansea University to give an assessment of President Barack Obama in Presidential election year, Lord Tom McNally on human rights, civil liberties and the role of the Ministry of Justice and playwright D J Britton, the author of the new play about David Lloyd George on writing about Lloyd George.
Our after dinner speaker will be Bob Russell, Liberal Democrat MP for Colchester. In a new departure next year we will be holding a short debate on Sunday morning before our panel discussion session on the role of the monarchy in the British constitution in the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee year. Bob Russell MP will speak in favour of the constitutional monarchy and Suzanne Campbell of Republic will oppose.
Please put these dates in your diaries now for a great weekend of entertainment, discussion and the usual good fellowship.

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