Lloyd George and Churchill: echoes of Cameron and Clegg?

A recent article in Wales online should make interesting reading for Society members and all those fascinated by the lives and careers of those two 20th century political giants David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill. The article posits that theirs was a relationship with very modern echoes. Like David Cameron and Nick Clegg, David Lloyd George and Winston Churchill were driven together by political convenience. As yet neither Cameron nor Clegg has done what Churchill did and ratted and re-ratted on his political party. Lloyd George remaimed steadfastly Liberal from the start until the end of his career. Their relationship was close but perhaps began to change when Churchill’s ministerial career moved from the sphere of social reform, where he and LG had been firm allies, to become Home Secretary in 1910 when he showed his more Tory face in the area of law and order, particularly over his reponses to the siege of Sidney Street and more importantly to the Rhondda Valley miners’ dispute of 1910 and what became known as the Tonypandy Riots.
The article has been written because some first editions of , written by Winston Churchill are coming up for sale and inscriptions by Churchill to LG in them suggest a real friendship and warmth in their relationship. They are expected to fetch around 35,000 US dollars.

The article ends with a quote from Lib Dem AM for Mid and West Wales, William Powell, who is also a member of the Lloyd George Society, who said: “They were friendly up until just before Lloyd George’s death in 1945. And then Churchill gave a glowing testimony at his funeral.”
Read More http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/need-to-read/2011/06/15/churchill-and-lloyd-george-firm-friends-or-a-marriage-of-political-convenience-91466-28879543/#ixzz1RLx3cp72

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