Ask the Chancellors: Live debate on Channel 4

At 8pm on Monday 29th March, Channel 4 will stage a live debate between the would-be Chancellors, Liberal Democrat Vince Cable, Labour’s Alistair Darling and Conservative George Osborne. Krishnan Guru-Murthy will be asking the questions.
From 7pm on the night, Channel 4 will be hosting a discussion of the debate. You can send questions and comment to and follow the debate and comment at
You can also get involved on Twitter by “tagging” your Twitter messages “#askthechancellors”.
Vince Cable is the Liberal Democrats’ Deputy Leader and Shadow Chancellor and one of the most popular current politicians. A 22/23 March poll by YouGov showed more people thought he would make the best Chancellor than either Alistair Darling or George Osborne.

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