Kirsty Williams

Final programme for 2010 weekend school sent out

Here is the final programme for the Lloyd George Society’s weekend school to be held from 19-21 February 2010 at the Hotel Commodore, Llandrindod Wells:
Friday 19th February
8.00pm: Dinner – Welcome from the President, Roger Pincham CBE
Saturday 20th February
0930: Bill Barritt – Hot Air to Cold Comfort
1030: Coffee
1100: Lord Kenneth Morgan – Lloyd George, Gladstone and Lincoln
1200: Winston Roddick QC – Connections with Lloyd George
1300: Lunch
1545: Kirsty Williams AM – The Welsh political scene
1715: Dr Lawrence Goldman (Editor of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography) – Links to Lloyd George
2000: Dinner – Speaker Lord Tom McNally
Sunday 21 February
1000: AGM – important discussion about the future of the Society
1100: Coffee
1130: Panel discussion on current political topics with Lembit Opik MP, Baroness Celia Thomas and Lord Thomas of Gresford
1300: Close of School

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