Read Lloyd George’s message to the American people on the anniversary of the entry of the USA into the First World War

The Guardian newspaper has today published a story from their archives dated 7 April 1917, in which the declaration of war against Germany by the USA is reported.
Included in the article is the official message sent by David Lloyd George, as British prime minister and on behalf of the War Cabinet, to the American people.
“America has at one bound become a world-power in a sense she never was before. She waited until she found a cause worthy of her traditions. The American people held back until they were fully convinced the fight was not a sordid scrimmage for power and possessions, but an unselfish struggle to overthrow a sinister conspiracy against human liberty and human right.
There are three phrases which will stand out in the story of the crusade. The first is that “the world must be safe for democracy”; the next – “The menace to that peace and freedom lies in the existence of autocratic Governments backed by organised force which is controlled wholly by their will and not by the will of their people,” and the crowning phrase is that in which [the US president] declares that “a steadfast concert for peace can never be maintained except by the partnership of democratic nations”.
The Imperial War Cabinet, representative of all the peoples and nationals of the British Empire, wish me on their behalf to recognise the chivalry and courage which calls the people of the United States to dedicate the whole of their resources to the service of the greatest cause that ever engaged human endeavour.”
Read the whole article at:

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