Come to the Weekend School and get the Obama effect

No, sorry to disappoint you but President-elect Obama won’t be a guest at the Weekend School. However there is a session addressing his election and the impact it may have on relations between Britain, Europe and America.
We are pleased now to publish the programme for the Weekend School, to be held at the Hotel Commodore in Llandrindod Wells between 20 & 22 February 2009.
Friday 20 February
8.00 pm: Dinner and welcome by the President (Roger Pincham CBE)
Saturday 21 February
9.30 am: Alun Wyburn-Powell – A Roller Coaster Ride, Liberal fortunes over the last century
10.30 am: Coffee
11.00 am: Mike German AM – Renewable energy
12.00 noon: Lord Newby – The Economy
1.00 pm: Lunch
3.45 pm: Tea
4.15 pm: Jonathan Fryer – Europe, America and the Obama effect
5.15 pm: Richard Reeves – John Stuart Mill
8.00 pm: Dinner, with guest speaker Chris Huhne MP
Sunday 22 February
9.45 am: Annual General Meeting (come and discuss the future of the Lloyd George Society)
10.15 am: Coffee
11.00 am: Lembit Opik MP, Baroness Celia Thomas, Lord Thomas of Gresford – Discussion on current political topics
1.00 pm: School closes
On Sunday a bar lunch will be available if required but is not included in the cost of the School. The hotel will be grateful if those staying for lunch would let reception know by Saturday morning at the latest.
The total cost of the School is £122 for the full weekend and £5 registration for members (non-members £10). Reduced cost for those not attending for Friday dinner and overnight Friday.
Members should have received their booking forms but if you have not, or if you are a non-member and would like to attend, please contact our Chairman, Bill Barritt at:
Lloyd George Society,
The Leasowes,
Wenlock Road,
WV16 5LZ
Telephone: 01746 765142 or by email at

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