New book about Lloyd George launched

As reported earlier on the website, Ffion Hague has been planning a book about Lloyd George and his women. The book has now been published and Mrs Hague launched it at the recent Hay Festival. It is called The Pain and the Privilege: The Women in Lloyd George’s Life and is published by HarperPress for a cover price of £25.
Mrs Hague was advised on aspects of her book by Professor, Lord Kenneth Morgan and she apparently had access to family papers for her research.
In her launch at Hay, Mrs Hague was complimentary about Lloyd George’s wife, Margaret Owen. She described her as a formidable woman in her own right and one of the greatest prime minister’s wives of modern times. “She never put a foot wrong,” she said. Apart from his wife, LG’s other great love was of course Frances Stevenson, whom he also married after his first wife’s death but Mrs Hague said there were many other lovers, and she had received letters from people brought up in orphanages who had been told they were related to Lloyd George.
You can read a BBC news report of Mrs Hague’s book launch at:
and a News Wales report at:

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