Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – and 2008 weekend school reminder

The Lloyd George Society is pleased to wish all visitors to its website a truly merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. We wish to thank you for visiting the site, hope that you found it informative and useful and that you will carry on re-visiting from time to time in order to keep in touch with new developments.
Following a decision taken at the Society’s AGM in February 2007, the Lloyd George Society website was set up in April and while we acknowledge that some improvements to the site are needed, we hope we have provided useful information about the Society, who we are and what we do. Importantly too, we hope to have provided through the articles and stories we have put up and through the links to other internet sites, a resource for anyone interested in David Lloyd George and his family, Welsh history and politics and aspects of Liberal history in general.
The site statistics show that there have been many thousands of hits since the website was set up, including many from overseas as well as from within the UK. We are certainly recording a higher level of interest than we expected and we recognise that we need to keep the site content fresh and updated if we wish to continue to attract new visitors and encourage previous ones back to look again and again.
Finally, another look ahead to the weekend school to be held at the Commodore Hotel, Llandrindod Wells between Friday 15 and Sunday 17 February 2008. Leadership candidate Chris Huhne and former acting leader Vince Cable are slated to be with us, as is distinguished Welsh historian and biographer of Lloyd George, Professor K O Morgan.
You can book your place on the weekend school by contacting the Society through Bill Barritt at The Leasowes, Wenlock Road, Tasley, Bridgnorth, WV16 5LZ.

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